Superintendent: Year 1 (Stay Calm. Keep Focused.)

This post is about reflecting. I have almost finished my first year. (Ok. Not really yet but at least the end of the spring semester with graduation next week!) To say I am excited, proud, and honored is an understatement! This has been an awesome first year! As I write I am thinking of the questions I think you would ask me….

Was it hard? Yes! However, anything worth doing well, in my opinion, is always hard. (If it wasn’t everyone would and everyone could). This role is so affirming in the work I GET to do everyday. This work is also thankless at times. I am not saying this because people do not thank or appreciate me, they do and I genuinely receive love and support from my students, staff, parents and community. (It’s so fulfilling). I am saying this because in this leadership role people look to you to be the fixer or closer. I believe sometimes people may even forget that we  are humans and people just like them. So my advice and thoughts on this are simple. Make sure you are called to this position (any leadership position for that matter). Know your purpose and do not forget it. That is what makes this job ‘easier’ for me (I did not say easy). I love what I do! Even on the days where I may question, “Why did I accept this calling?”  I accepted this calling to change the world. Call me crazy but I believe by serving in this role and pouring into students, staff, families and the community I am literally going to change the world. AND if we all do our part we can truly make this world and generations after us better.

What makes you come back to work everyday? The students! I have a mantra that says, “If not me then who?” I get the opportunity to see our students thrive. I hear their stories and see their journeys and to know that I played a part in their trajectory is everything to me. That’s what keeps me going. There will continue to be adults you have to direct or give guidance too but keep students first in every decision you make. That makes life and work easier. And when you are seriously like…why am I hear Lord; go to classrooms. Your purpose gets renewed and refreshed instantly. If you are proactive you have classroom and campus visits scheduled throughout the week like other appointments. (It does wonders).

What lessons have you learned Spicer? Glad you asked. “Don’t take it personal” and “Stay calm and focused”. One thing I have learned and I may have mentioned it in an earlier blog, “It’s NOT about me!” When I remind myself, life is grand. In this role we make hundreds of thousands of decisions and guess what; everyone will not agree. However, that is ok. People have their own baggage and their own perceptions or experiences that shape them. When they are projecting their feelings on to you 99% of the time it is not about you. It’s similar to students who may act out. Many times something happened earlier that day or week and you just happened to be the one they unloaded on. Listen. Give grace. Seek to understand. And remember it’s not about you. Hold firm in your leadership stance but do it in love. (That goes a LONG way). Then the stay calm and focused part... I mean just that! We as leaders need to be stable. Yes, do we have emotions? Absolutely! But keep them in check. No exceptions! Your staff, students, parents, community, everybody…is watching (even when you think they are not). As a public servant we may not agree but those are the facts. We must be Calm Under Pressure ALWAYS! If I am having a moment or I need to process I take time out for me (close the door in my office and regroup) or I just listen (no response no opinion I have to keep my mouth closed and process). I do not ever feel like I have to make an immediate decision or respond, if I need to take the time I do. I never want to react or respond emotionally. (Again, these are my thoughts and opinions).

This past month I purchased a treadmill and I started to create my home gym. The picture of the plaques has assisted in my growth as a leader. Every morning I workout. Yes I want to be fine (smile) and physically healthy but the workouts are truly more about my mental health and mental toughness. I workout to relieve stress. The words on the wall (they hang where I can read them while I run) encourage me with every jog, sprint or walk I take. These words fuel me and remind me that I was made to do hard things! And because I do this first thing in the morning there is nothing I will face that will be harder. Truly! That’s how I stay calm, that’s how I stay focused, that’s how I keep my peace in the midst of the grind as a superintendent.

As we close out this semester think through what you will do to finish strong and persist. I hope my words, experiences and transparency have helped at least one person. My journey is not done and I will continue to share in hopes of inspiring others to accept the call to serve!

Continue to #InspireExcellence


Superintendent: Year 1 (Self-Reflection 2.0)


Superintendent: Year 1 (Don’t Doubt Yourself)